Update Message Localization


You can localize update message shown to users in update popup based on your app's language/user's language.

App Upgrade Update Message Localization

How to localize your update message?

While creating a version or updating an existing version you can choose to add localized update message along with the default message.

  1. You can find the option to add localization in create/edit/duplicate version screen. You will see the Advance Options after the default message textbox. Under which you can see Message Localization and +Add Localization button.

    App Upgrade Update Message Add Localization

  2. Clicking on +Add Localization button will show the input and text box for the Language Key and Localized Message.

    App Upgrade Update Message Add Localization

    You need to provide Language Key which can be a ISO language code, for example en, es, en_us. We don't restrict or validate these keys. You are free to use whatever lang code you are using in your app. Just make sure you use the same language code both in your app and at App Upgrade when you add localization.

  3. Provide your Localized Message and other parameters and Submit to create/update a version.

    App Upgrade Update Message Add Localization

    You can add multiple messages in different language. You can also update/remove localizations.

  4. Once the version is created. From your app integrated with SDK pass the appLanguage parameter with the value of your app's language. The SDK will show the update message based on the localization provided by you.

If you don't provide any localization for the particular language code/key default message will be used.

The previous app's integrated with App Upgrade will continue showing the default message.

See the list of SDK versions supported with localization below.

SDK Support

List of minimum SDK versions with localization support.

SDK Version
Android 1.0.2
Flutter 1.0.4
Expo 1.0.9
iOS (Swift) 1.0.2
React Native 1.0.9

Follow the documentation of respective SDKs for more details and usages guidelines.

Localization via API

In case if you have not integrated SDK and using our API. Please follow this page for guidelines.

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