Troubleshooting Guide

As you integrate and test integration with App Upgrade, you might run into some issues. This page helps you to find solutions to common technical issues. Get back up and running in no time.

Play store/App Store is not opening.

The SDK might not be able to open the app store or play store in simulator. You can try it in physical device.


This Device doesn't support google play services. Try with a device that supports google play services.

Error: Cannot Connect to App Store

You can get this error if your app is not published or not live on App Store.

  • Check your app is available in the App Store.
  • Check you have passed correct appId in the code.

There is an issue with the Google Play Store or Google Play Services on the device.

This issue often arises when the device has a sideloaded version of the Play Store. To resolve it, try using a different device that has a valid version of the Play Store and Google Play Services.

SDK is giving Network Error.

This issue often arises when the app doesn't have the internet permission. Provide internet permission and try again. Also if you are using Simulator check the date and time. The date time should not be in the past.

If you are getting issues not mentioned here. Feel free to drop an email to

Android SDK not showing popup when minifiedEnable is true.

If you are using minifyEnabled true it may obfuscate the code. Add the following rule in to make sure SDK shows the popup.

# Keep all classes in the App Upgrade SDK package
-keep class com.appupgrade.app_upgrade_android_sdk.** { *; }
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