Joining a Team

  1. If owner of team has invited you to join there team, you will get an invitation email.

    Team option

  2. Click on the JOIN button or click on the given link.

  3. You will see an invite page similar to below.

    Team option

  4. If you don't have App Upgrade account click on Sign up button. It will take you to the signup page. Register with same email id to which you have been invited.

    Team option

  5. If you already have an account with App Upgrade with email id to which you have been invited. Click on Already Have an Account? Sign in and proceed with signin.

    Team option

You can also signup/signin via Google. Make sure to use the same email id to which you receive the invitation.

  1. Once you are done Sign in/Sign up you will be taken to dashboard.

  2. You will be able to view the team from the header dropdown menu.

    Team option

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