Integrating using SDK.

You can integrate your app with App Upgrade using the SDK. Integrating with SDK is the fastest way to get up and running with App Upgrade. We’ve built a first-class developer experience with SDKs tailored to major platforms. Get up and running in minutes.

Officially supported SDKs.


Official App Upgrade Android SDK provides convenient way to integrate with App Upgrade into your Android app. The SDK is written in Kotlin. Follow the documentation of SDK for more details and usages guidelines.

implementation 'com.github.appupgrade-dev:app-upgrade-android-sdk:<VERSION>'


Official App Upgrade Expo SDK provides convenient way to integrate with App Upgrade into your Expo app. Follow the documentation of SDK for more details and usages guidelines.

expo install app-upgrade-react-native-sdk


Official App Upgrade Flutter SDK provides convenient way to integrate App Upgrade into your Flutter app. Follow the documentation of SDK for more details and usages guidelines.

flutter pub add app_upgrade_flutter_sdk

iOS (Swift)

Official App Upgrade iOS SDK provides convenient way to integrate with App Upgrade into your iOS app. The SDK is written in Swift. Follow the documentation of SDK for more details and usages guidelines.

.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))

React Native

Official App Upgrade React Native SDK provides convenient way to integrate App Upgrade into your React Native app. Follow the documentation of SDK for more details and usages guidelines.

npm install app-upgrade-react-native-sdk --save

Follow the documentation of respective SDKs for more details and usages guidelines.

© 2022-2024 | App Upgrade | All Rights Reserved            Updated 2024-06-30 14:11:37

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